Sunday, February 1, 2009

My favorite Subject

It goes without saying that most photographers enjoy snapping a couple off at the ones we love. I took this photo of my wife playing in the trees in Hillsboro. It shows we all still have that little kid in us and the temptation to climb a tree, just because, resides within.

I like the composition. The trees framing a gentle smile, the eyes carefully looking for the next step, and a peaceful child-like concentration of "I don't want to fall".

I can't decide and I was hoping for comments regarding the branch dissecting Sam in the foreground. At times I like the effect, but there is still apart of me that wonders if it distracts from the image. What are your thought?

1 comment:

  1. So are you going to post another pic? :-)
    I'm probably not the right person to be offering technical advice re. the foto. Though i can say that at first i don't even notice the branch, then i do, then i don't> i like that effect, because it makes the foto less static, it forces you to dive further in and then pull back out. if that makes sense.
